970.231.2426 kevin@kevinhouchin.com

I hope you enjoy my work.

Fine Art & Illustration

Kevin Houchin

Batik: Figures

Fine Art Batik with human figure based subjects & compositions.

Batik: Abstract

Fine Art Batik with abstract compositions.

Travel Sketches

I get around. I sketch. I share. 

Dance Art

My family is full of dancers and dancers make for wonderful art. Enjoy these. 

Figure Drawing & Painting

My work from life drawing groups.

Portrait Sketches

I like to capture portraits in different styles and media. Sometimes they work out. Sometimes they don’t. I’m still learning. 


I enjoy watercolor work in both abstract and quick sketch forms. I hope you enjoy too.

Recent Artwork

I’ll do my best to update this frequently, but sometimes I’m lazy (not really, I’m just busy keeping up with business travel, and my amazing family).

Interested in a purchase or custom commission?
Say Hello!

Just complete the form below, email me, or give me a call (links at the top of the page). We can discuss your interest and figure out something that works for you.

Houchin Contact Form

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